Business Online Banking
Bank for your business with total control, security, privacy and convenience. With online banking, your money is easy to manage.
- Balance information on checking, savings, money markets and other accounts.
- Download account activity to various financial management tools such as Quick Books.
- Initiate wire transfer requests.
- Automated Payments (ACH origination) through our Cash Management Service.
- As part of our online banking, you can view your account statements electronically. We send you an email notification when your statement is ready on our secure site. You can also view check images online.
Online Banking Security
In today's world, where people do their banking has changed. It is not often that a customer actually goes to a branch to conduct business. With the ease of Online Banking, a customer's finances are only a few keystrokes or mouse clicks away. That is why it is more important than ever to ensure that FAB&T has safeguards in place to keep your personal financial information secure. Click here for a brochure outlining some of the safety measures(Opens in a new Window) that we provide to you. Click here to view our security statement.